
Still more


Another random image

What I see at the moment


I'm on the ferry. Everyone around me is coughing. That lady behind me
really needs to cover her mouth when hacking on my neck. I hate this
time of year.


Sunday sports

Sunday was great sports day. The Red Sox beat the Indians for a World
Series berth, the Patriots killed Miami to remain unbeaten and my
favorite F1 driver won the world championship.

Ferry and sunset

Downtown Seattle



A wall I found in downtown Bremerton.

All hail the Iceman

Today my favorite Formula 1 driver, Kimi Raikkonen, won the 2007 drivers world championship in a Ferrari. Yes!



Oct. 18 Seattle wind storm. Shot on my pocket camera.

None of you will find this intresting

But I do.

Where I'm at

Not much going on lately, hence all the photography. What's with all the photos? The iPhone has a 1.3 mega pixel camera of so so quality. When I attended art school, we had to use a camera called a Holga. Holga's are plastic cameras that shoot medium format film. Every individual Holga is different. Some have light leaks. Some are blurry. Some just don't work very well. The beauty of the Holga is that every roll of film was an adventure. It was a project that I really enjoyed. So I was thinking that I would start treating the iPhone camera as a Holga. It allows me not to worry about the quality and just go with what it gives me. None the images will go through any post production. I just want to shoot, upload, and see what you think.


Firenze bricks

Santa Maria Novella Station,Firenze Italy

Terminal sunrise

Part of me desires to do this

Flying Human TricksPRO.com - video powered by Metacafe

Sunrise over Bremerton

I'm still sick to my stomach

Sorry for the abrupt end of the ACLS live blog. I just could not believe my eyes at the absolute collapse I was seeing. It was like waking up xmas morning and seeing a overdosed Santa Claus lying on your floor with a needle still stuck in his arm. Unadulterated ugliness.

At least the Patriots are playing today. Maybe I'll live blog that.


ACLS cont.

This looks like it's going extra innings. Both bullpens look about the same. Put your money on the Boston bats to pull this one out.

ALCS cont.

Great game. All tied up.

ALCS cont.

Two home runs in a row. Wow! One of the better lineups in recent
memory. Can the Indians answer?

ALCS cont.

Sweet! Manny homers, but he still needs to cut his hair.

ALCS cont.

Ok, maybe not. For a big guy that was some hustle.

ALCS cont.


Ortiz homer.


Well at Tito is pulling the old man. I think two batters ago would of
been a better idea. I think the biggest problem for the Sox tonight is
that John Kerry is sitting right next to the dugout.


Lowe is awesome. Now these two windbags are talking about Chris Meyers
outfit. Pull Schilling for flipping sake!


Do the Indians have anything for the Red Sox? They seem a little
intimidated to me. Oh by the way, I hate Joe Buck and Tim McGarver as

Live blogging th ALCS

Being a Red Sox fan is torture. Fucking Schilling, teases us with his
performance early in the week and now gives up a three run homer. Six
better get the bullpen up.

A change of color

Miles taking five

From my mobile


Create! Resist the gear lust

With the advent of digital manipulation in the art world, what has
happened to the conversation about the work? When I say work I mean
the actual creative choices the artist has made. Lately the
conversations I have been involved in are more about the gear used.
This computer has more power, a new 500 mega pixel camera that
everyone lusts over or this new piece of software that has some must
have new feature. The gear is not what creates. What are the choices
that you are making? Why did you choose to frame that image in that
way? What are you trying to say? Creating is more about telling a
story than how many mega pixels a camera is.

iPhone and Apple

Sorry I did not talk more about the iPhone in my earlier post. The
device is amazing. This is the mobile device I have been waiting for.
The technolgical leap that Apple has made with this phone is jaw
dropping. I've had the device for roughly three months and I still
occationally grin because it is so cool. So what is my problem? My
biggest issue is with Apple's ridiculous stance on third party
applications. They won't let them be installed. You can use web based
app's, but most of them suck and what if you are getting a slow edge
or wifi connection? What I find strange is that third party developers
have been integral to Apple's success. I also find Apple's excuse of
letting third party app's on the phone will endanger AT&T's network to
be bullshit. All the other so called smart phones on the market allow
third party app's to be installed.

Just so you know I'm not some Mac fanboy who wears Apple shaped
glasses. I love their products and have been using them since the
Apple II E, but I also recognize what complete idiots they can be:
their pricing, the arrogance that they are cooler and the meglomania
that is Steve Jobs. Yeah, I kept buying Apple products when they were
two to three times the price of a PC machines, but I like how Apple
designs their operating system to get out of your way. For the most
part, it does not hinder creativity. I can not say that about PC's.

Apple has made their name on well designed computers, well designed
software and one of the greatest marketing stategies ever. Will they
change? I doubt it. Will I keep using their products? Of course. I'm
just frustrated. I own this amazing product, essentially a computer
that fits in your pocket, yet, so far, Apple is keeping it from it's
full potential.

Disclosure: I work for a third party Mac developer.

Todays view from my office

More sunrise

Sunrise from ferry


Don't judge the iPhone

Yes, I have an iPhone. The only reason I have one is because my employer bought them for the whole company. It's pretty cool, but I feel like a douche when I whip it out in public. I'll post a more in depth review of it later. It has made me feel different about Apple and not in good way.

Leaving Seattle on the ferry

Taken with my iPhone today.


So say we all!!!

If you love BSG, check out the new season 4 trailer.

BSG Season 4 Trailer

Blood pressure

When I was about eight years old I was diagnosed with hypertension. My life has been filled with many visits to the doctor and many more visits to the pharmacy. Hypertension runs in the family. As I have told every doctor, my grandfather had it, my father has it and I have it. So I have been been on some kind of medication ever since my diagnoses. I really hated that I had this thing wrong me. Yeah I know, it could of been way worse. What sucked was as a kid my school mates would look at me like I had cancer when I told them. So after a awhile I stop talking about it. When I got a little older I got this idea in my head that I did not need the medication. At the time I was riding five to six hundred miles a week, " I'm an athlete" I told my self, "I don't need that anymore." One day I got this massive headache, I mean MASSIVE! My vision was bluring it was so bad. So I went to a walk in clinic and was checked out. As soon as they took my blood pressure they freaked. If I remember correctly, it was about 225/180. I've never seen people move so fast. "Here put thus under your tough." Soon I over heard the doctor on the phone with the local hospital saying that he has a twenty year old male about to strike out and should we helicopter me in. "Crap," I said to myself, "I should have been taking those pills." I ended up spending three nights there while they monitored me. Recently I finally found a doctor that took my hypertension very seriously and after months of trying to figure a course of treatment he threw up his hands. He thought he knew what I had, but he needed to send me to a specialist to make sure. The endocrinologist confirmed that I have primary hyperaldronism. Somethig to do with my adeline gland producing to much aldrostrone. So he put me on a new medication and boom, my pressure went way down. Then a few weeks ago he took me off the beta blocker that I was taking in conjunction with the new pill and put me on an ace inhibitor. Suddenly, I feel a lot better. The thing about beta blockers are the possible side effects. For the longest time I have been very lethargic. No doubt it was the beta blocker. Now, I feel a lot better. More energy and a brighter outlook. It is like a fog has lifted.



A friend of my wife has appealed that I blog again. Okay here it goes. Why did I stop? The main reason is that I'm a pretty lazy person, which I'm actually starting to come to terms with. A secondary reason is that we bought a house. Buying a house is like being sucked into a black hole, it takes twice as long as you think it should take and once you've moved in your exhausted. My exhaustion and laziness combined into a toxic mix of anesthesia. Now that I have come out of the haze I'm ready to blog again.